Wilderness Leadership

All Hesburgh-Yusko scholars complete a one-week Wilderness Leadership Canoe Expedition in Ely, MN - facilitated through Outward Bound - the summer before their first year at Notre Dame. 

Scholars are stretched physically and mentally, and some experience for the first time the challenge of living with only basic necessities. In addition to mastering wilderness skills, scholars learn how to work with a diverse group of people to reach a common goal and put the interest of the group before their own. The Wilderness Leadership summer prepares scholars for the exhilarating, unfamiliar, and rewarding experiences they will encounter over the rest of their journey as Hesburgh-Yusko scholars, at the University of Notre Dame, and throughout the rest of their lives.

Video Created by Vaibhav Mopidevi, Hesbugh-Yusko Class of 2021